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Mailing Address:
Sunrise Cancer Foundation
Women Implementing Positive Change
304 Flanagan Ln
Gastonia, NC 28054
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Hello, my name is Mable Hemphill, and I am raising funds for my non-profit, tax-exempt organization that provides Hats of Hope for cancer patients as they go through treatments. As a cancer survivor, I have a burning passion for helping those going through the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of battling cancer. Sunrise Cancer Foundation was created to embody this mission, putting action behind the heart of the matter. The foundation offers gift bags with essential creams as patients go through radiation treatments and sometimes get burned. We utilize a "buddy system" to schedule a visit from a Survivor and provide support for newly diagnosed survivors. We also offer Community Outreach events for our "undeserved" and uninsured with knowledge of monetary assistance. Any contribution made supports our mission of serving cancer patients and survivors, bringing them support and peace in what may be the most challenging time in their life. I appreciate your support!
Dedicated in loving memory of John Andy & Mary Gwinn Bigger, a sickly Army sharecropper and his wife, an illiterate loving maid.